Viktor Fuček
is an urban shaman, healer, and fortuneteller who uses rituals to explore the consciousness of space. For this purpose, he creates performances, paintings, and installations that push the boundaries of what is usually perceived as architecture and shows how experimental practices can help to find new strategies to solve the problems of contemporary society. He studied fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, the Australian National University in Canberra, the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, and architecture at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. In 2022 he successfully completed his doctorate at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, with the dissertation research "Architecture of Internal Relations" focusing on the interconnections between performance and architecture. He has participated in several solo and collective exhibitions, such as The Door Through Whose Slit the Moonlight Peeks at the Slovak National Gallery (2024), Perceiving (Com)position (Taiwan, 2022), Prague Biennale (CZ, 2021). He has also been a finalist for several awards such as Oskar Čepan Award for Slovak emerging artists (2015). Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and external lector at University of Applied Arts in Vienna.